NoC System Generator


Clone NSG HDLs

The latest NSG HDLs and directory structure can be obtained from the NSG Github repository:

$ git clone git://

Downloading NSG Tool

The NSG toolchain binaries can be found under Releases and should be downloaded and extracted to NSG/bin/windows/


Make sure to have a European (German, Swedish, etc) date & time format set (Control Panel -> Region and Language)

Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015

Environmental Path

Directory Structure

Directory Name Description
Bin/ NSG Binaries including GUI
Boards/ Boards/Platform Description Files
Documentation/ NSG User Manual
Papers/ List of Related Publications
VHDL/ NSG HDL repo for NoC


Simulink to NoC-Based MPSOC

Synchronous Ring on 2x2 NoC

The 4 processors platform is configured so in this way:

  • Central: CPU_0_0, jtag_0_0, cpu_id 1, jtag_id 1
  • Engines: CPU_2_0, jtag_2_0, cpu_id 3, jtag_id 4
  • EIR: CPU_1_0, jtag_1_0, cpu_id 2, jtag_id 3
  • EPinsensor: CPU_3_0, jtag_3_0, cpu_id 0, jtag_id 0

In the demo application, each processor receives one data, increase the data by 1, send the data to the following processor. One data takes 1 second to be sent to the following processor. So, for example, CPU_0_0 receives the value 0, and send the value 1 to CPU_1_0. After 1 second CPU_1_0 receives the value 1, and send the value 2 to CPU_2_0....

To test the demo application there are 2 ways:

use the Nios IDE or Nios EDS to create 4 projects, each project for each CPU. The projects should start from the "Hello World small" template, or have the exact same setting in the BSP. Copy the software files (.c, .h) for each cpu in the corresponding NIOS IDE/EDS project. Build the 4 projects. Download the .sof file on the board. "Run as hardware" the projects in the following order: CPU0, 1 , 2, 3. All projects must run at the same time, do not stop them. You should see some output on the Nios2 terminals of the Nios IDE.

Open 5 Nios2 Shells. 4 shells will be used to connect to the 4 processors, 1 shell to execute the commands. For each of the 4 shell run 1 of this commands:

$ nios2-terminal -i 1
$ nios2-terminal -i 3
$ nios2-terminal -i 4
$ nios2-terminal -i 0

You are connected to the 4 processors through 4 terminals. Download the .sof file on the board. With the 5th shell download the provided .elf files (the compiled code) on each core using the following commands, in sequence:

$ nios2-download -g -i 1 <path_to_file>/Node_0_0.elf
$ nios2-download -g -i 2 <path_to_file>/Node_1_0.elf
$ nios2-download -g -i 3 <path_to_file>/Node_2_0.elf
$ nios2-download -g -i 0 <path_to_file>/Node_3_0.elf